Seatrobot - Key Features

Seatrobot - Key Features


Stand-alone Database & CRM

Seatrobot includes a stand-alone contact center to store and manage all your contacts in one place.

When you open your Seatrobot account, we help migrate your current contact lists into your Seatrobot contact database. (If you already use a full-feature CRM like Salesforce, we can link your Seatrobot database with your CRM database). You can upload contacts in bulk or one at a time. Whenever anyone new signs up for one of your events, they are automatically stored in your contacts database.

Your Seatrobot database has powerful tagging, sorting and list-building features so you can group and filter your contacts almost any way you need to and build infinite mailing lists which can be accessed when creating events.

Every contact in your database retains its own contact history - including all events, responses, tags, notes etc. Seatrobot also gives each of your contacts a "Engagement Score" based on their interaction with your events over time, so you can identify your most- and least-active contacts with ease - and even create new mailing lists based on contact responsiveness overall or to certain event types.

Email Invites

Seatrobot is a full-featured email sending and tracking platform that lets you send personal one-to-one invites to individuals and mailing lists direct from your account.

Seatrobot invite emails contain a 'one-click' accept / decline format so your invitees can register for your events direct from the email - without having to log in, or re-enter their personal information; saving them time and hassle and massively increasing response rates.

Seatrobot handles confirmation email sending automatically; you can also re-send invites to all current non-respondents with just one click as well as re-sending confirmations to all confirmed guests at any time.

Seatrobot lets you email links to general registration pages for your events, too, and create custom 'information' emails to send to your guests at any point in your event.

Your email history tracks and displays all sends, responses, and bounces and your Guest List displays detailed information on every invited guest and response. You can use these results to create new mailing lists or manage your contacts with just a few clicks.

Tickets and Package Sales

Creating and selling tickets for your events with Seatrobot takes just seconds to set up. But you can do so much more.

With Seatrobot 'packages' you can create combo tickets, tickets with extras, benefits, ticket packages with multiple admissions. You can add buyer preferences to ticket purchases, automatically track different ticket types by benefits through your guest list, tag purchasers and have the benefits associated with different tickets run seamlessly all the way through to event check-in.

For sponsored events, Seatrobot lets you create custom sponsor packages containing seats / admissions / tables, plus related marketing and branding benefits, set hierarchies for different sponsor levels, track sponsor guests; you can even let your sponsors or event partners manage their own walled-off guest lists within your event, using our 3rd Party Guest Management feature.

Free Registration

If you run events, webinars and meetings that require guests to pre-register, but at no charge, you know how frustrating it is to make people have to purchase a zero dollar ($0) ticket.

Seatrobot makes free registration and paid ticketing available on the same registration page if you require it. Create any number of both free registration and paid ticket packages for every event you create - all you need to do is decide which you want to promote and toggle them on or off your registration page.

Plus, with Seatrobot Registration - every registrant and ticket purchaser goes instantly into your contacts database, with all event data attached, so you can really use your events to grow your base efficiently.

Real-Time Response Tracking

Seatrobot is built around your dynamic contact database - so tracking responses to your event invites, your ticket sales and your open registrations is a central part of the process.

The Seatrobot event Guest List displays every invited guest and their current status. You can access each guest's unique RSVP page; respond on their behalf; tag, sort and filter guests, and manage bounces - all from one page.

The Email Center tracks and displays every email and invite you send and keeps track of responses in real time.

The Event Status page displays the current key metrics of your event graphically, shows progress against targets, keeps track of revenue, estimates future seat count - and still lets you drill down to the individual contact level to handle a single invite re-send.

Email Bounce Management

Seatrobot is fully CANSPAM Act compliant for email sending and unsubscribe handling. Seatrobot also has a complete AWS compliant interface for bounce management, along with sophisticated tools for Seatrobot users to manage their bounces and unsubscribes on both per-event and full-contacts-database levels. 

Emails you send via Seatrobot use your own email addresses / domains approved by AWS through Seatrobot. 

We monitor AWS email feedback constantly for bounce data to maximize the efficiency of the mechanisms we put in place to keep clients' email lists clean while allowing the most flexibility with sending. 

3rd Party Registration

Unique to Seatrobot, '3rd Party Registration' lets you assign somebody from another organization to create a login to Seatrobot from which they can manage a guest list of their own for one or more of your active events.

Examples of when you may want to use 3rd Party Registration include:

  • You are creating an event jointly with a partner organization. You want to be the main event manager, but your partner needs to be able to have control over a portion of the guest list, invite their own guests and assign benefits etc.

  • Your event has corporate sponsors. The sponsor levels you create for your event come with certain benefits including a certain number of seats / accesses to your event (e.g. a table for 10, or 25 signups to your online conference). You want to allow a representative from each sponsoring company to have their own private access to the Seatrobot event and add / invite their own guests, assign their own benefits to those guests etc.

  • You want to instantly create dedicated, branded, unique registration pages for each of your partners / sponsors as a part of their participation in an event and track registration from each partner / sponsor separately.

  • You are selling booths at an exhibition and each booth comes with certain benefits and allows access to the exhibition by a certain number of exhibitor representatives. After purchasing the booth space you want the exhibitor to assign an individual to manage their booth access and arrangements.

Custom Builds & Enterprise Integrations

Seatrobot can be customized to fit seamlessly into your current platforms.

With your Salesforce or other existing CRM, Seatrobot can link your contacts database, create dynamic 'smartlists' of contacts, turn campaigns into events and opportunities into reservations in a few clicks.

Seatrobot ticketing can be integrated with your preferred payment gateway and linked into your accounting platform for easy ledger management and seamless creation of invoices, receipts and refunds.

Seatrobot events and signup pages can be customized to blend into your existing website architecture and your Seatrobot admin can link with your CMS to generate website content automatically.

Seatrobot's user / guest password authentication can be linked with your existing secure user database allowing a single login (SSO) for event registration and your other website activities.

For each new client we provide basic custom integration during setup, making sure that your contacts database is ready to go and your email accounts and users are set up correctly. 

We can also provide unique additions / features to your instance of Seatrobot so that it runs as an integral part of your preferred workflow from day one.

Brand Customization

All public-facing pieces of Seatrobot can be branded according to your corporate preference. This includes your organization's event page, each registration page, all personal RSVP pages, the headers of every email and their colors and content.

For every event you create you can add new email headers and custom content to override your base corporate settings if you need to, creating a unique look and feel.

You can register your own domain through Seatrobot as the email sender of record - allowing all your emails to come directly from 'you' rather than from Seatrobot. The reply-to address and vanity name are editable by you on an event-by-event basis.

As a part of our enterprise service, we can 'merge' Seatrobot public pages with your existing website infrastructure providing a seamless experience for your users.

Seatrobot does not 'pool' the events from different users, or create any kind of 'event marketplace' or insert any advertising or event links from outside your organization's account. Your events and communications remain solely yours at all times.

Online Meetings & Webinars

If you're creating an online meeting using a platform like GoToMeeting or Zoom (let's say, a webinar for 100 people), you can integrate those online meeting registration details directly into your event set-up in Seatrobot.

Now, your participant's registration page (accessible as soon as they accept a personal Seatrobot invite to your meeting) automatically contains everything they need: meeting details, online access information, downloadable documents, preparation materials, detailed meeting descriptions and information and a calendar function, all in one place.

  • Include the meeting information right from the start for automatic access by any guest who accepts an invite or registers online.

  • Add a link to the information in your participants' confirmation emails

  • Leave the access information out until nearer the event until you can gauge the response to the meeting registrations

  • Add links to the information only in emails to certain groups of registered participants

  • Wait until your event is fully subscribed before creating specific confirmation messaging including the meeting info.

Setting up, inviting and managing your online meeting participants using Seatrobot gives you exactly the same level of rigorous management control and flexibility you would expect when creating in-person meetings and conferences.