Contacts Database
The Contacts area is where you store and manage your entire contact database within Seatrobot. The Contacts area is not event-specific. This is where you sort and group all your contacts so they can be accessed easily and invited to any events you create.
Currently you may have your contacts stored in spreadsheets, or contact lists, or in your Google Contacts etc. When you first use Seatrobot, we help you import any existing contact lists you may be using into Seatrobot so your Contacts area is already populated when you begin.
If your organization uses a third party CRM such as Salesforce, Seatrobot can be configured to sync seamlessly with this system. In such cases you will likely not need to use the seatrobot Contacts area
See also:
Contacts Status and Events Filters
Adding Contacts to your Contact Database
Tagging Contacts & Creating Contact Lists