Tracking Emails, Responses and Bounces

Tracking Emails, Responses and Bounces

Emails, responses and bounces are tracked throughout the event, in the Event Status page, the Emails page and the Guest List page.


Event Status Page

The Event Status page gives you and overview of the invites that have been sent for any active event, the responses to those emails and any ticket sales.

The page has two tabs, a Report tab and a Payments tab.


Report Tab: This tab gives you a real-time visual overview of the total number of direct invites that have been sent up to now as well as the response rate to those invites and other registrations.

Max Capacity Progress: the percentage of the current maximum capacity of the event that has currently registered for the event (either via direct invite email response and / or via the Registration page and / or by buying a ticket)

Emails delivered: the total number of direct invite emails (not unique individuals) that were delivered successfully (did not bounce) for the event so far. This total includes multiple emails sent to the same person, e.g. if a contact receives an invite, and then subsequently receives a re-send of the invite, the total reflected here would be two.

Response Rate: the percentage of unique individuals who received an invite email who have generated a conversion (either 'accept' or 'decline') by clicking on a response button in a direct invite email.

Accept: the percentage of the Response Rate that was 'accept'.

Decline: the percentage of the Response rate that was 'decline'.

Attendance Breakdown: The total number of current registrations divided by registration-type: Direct Invite, Registration, 3rd Party Registration or Ticket Sale.


Payments Tab: This tab displays a list, in descending chronological order (newest to oldest), of all payments for reservations the event has received from the event ticket page.


Here is an example of an event's Payments Tab, with numbered explanations:

  1. Current Revenue: this shows the current total of all tickets purchased for the event (the sum of all payments in the 'Amounts' column (#7).

  2. Target Revenue: this is the target revenue goal set for the event. If you set a target revenue goal during Event Setup, that will be displayed here. If not, you can add a revenue target here and click 'Save'.

  3. Target Revenue Progress Bar: this displays the percentage of your revenue goal for the event that has been reached.

  4. The numbers here represent how many individual ticket packages the purchaser bought in the transaction

  5. Invite Name: this displays the name of the individual who purchased the ticket(s). Note: this is not necessarily the same individual who will be using the ticket - the purchaser can amend that information at their guest RSVP page.

  6. Package Name: this shows the type of package the individual purchased. Often you will have a variety of different ticket packages available for sale. You can create different types of ticket packages for sale (and seating packages to add to invites) in Event Setup > Packages / Tickets


Emails Page

The Emails page includes an Email History Table, listing all invites and emails that have been sent for the event.

The columns contain information as follows:

Email Type: this column describes what kind of email was sent. The options are:

  • Direct Invite: a personal email invite containing the accept / decline buttons, sent to an individual, a group of individuals or to a contact list from the Invites page.

  • Direct Invite-Resend: a re-send of a direct invite, either sent to 'All Outstanding' from the Event Status page, or to any outstanding invitees in a specific direct invite, sent via Event-Status >  Invite Details.

  • Confirmation-Resend: a re-send of the automatic confirmation email that was sent to any guest who accepted an invite / registered for the event.

  • 3rd Party Invite: a welcome email that went out to a coordinator of a 3rd Party Reservation.

  • Custom: a custom email sent to a custom group of recipients.

Send Time: this column displays the date and time the email was actually sent. Other possible contents of this column are:

  • Sending... this will display between the time an email is launched on this page and when it is actually sent

  • Holding... this will display for any invite / email which has had a launch time set, but has been held.

  • Not set... this will display for any invite / email which has been held before having its launch time set

Name: this column displays either the Invite Name (as given when creating the Invite, or when creating a Custom email) or the subject of the email that was sent. For re-sends of invites and communications sent to 'All Outstanding' or 'All Confirmed' from Event Status, the email subject is displayed. For emails re-sent to outstanding or confirmed guests in a specific invite (via Event Status > Invite Details), the original name of the invite is displayed. This way you can easily tell whether a re-send went out to recipients over multiple invites (email subject displayed), or it was re-sent just to individuals within a specific invite (invite name displayed).

Recipients: this column displays the number of individuals who successfully received the email. This total does not include bounces.

Status: this column displays the current send status of the email. Possible options are:

  • Launched . This shows that the email has been successfully launched and is being sent or has completed sending

  • Held  This shows that the email is being held. Clicking this icon will re-open the email for editing.

  • Delayed Launch  This shows that the email has been set to launch automatically at a set time in the future. Clicking this icon will re-open the email for editing, including changing the set launch time.

Accept / Decline: these columns display the number (and percentage of the total sent) of emails that received 'accept' or 'decline' clicks (Direct Invites and 3rd Party Invites only). Custom emails and re-sends of Confirmation emails always display n/a 'accepts' and 'declines' because they contain no trackable links for the recipient to click.

Note: the total 'Accepts' and 'Declines' displayed for all emails in the table may not always be the same as the totals of confirmed and declined guests in your Guest List or in Event Status. This is because the Email History table tracks clicks in the emails sent out, not the current status of any guest. For example, if you confirm on behalf of an invited guest by clicking on them in Guest List, this will add a confirmed guest, but will not display as an email click in Communications. Or, somebody who was sent an invite to your event may not have clicked 'Accept' in the invite, but instead may have signed up via the Open RSVP page. This will confirm their reservation, but will not add to the email clicks.


Guest List Page

The Guest List page tracks all the invite emails sent and the status / response for each email.

By default, the page loads to display only the responses to your invites: 'Accepts' (with rows colored green) 'Declines' (with rows colored red), 'Waitlisted" (with rows colored blue) and “Attended” (marked in green with a green checkmark before the First Name - only relevant just prior to, during and post-event). Clicking on the Status button displays a list of alternate filter views.

All Invited: this displays every contact invited to your event, regardless of status. Contacts who have not yet responded to their invite display with gray rows.

Confirmed Guests: displays only those who accepted your invite, with green rows.

Outstanding Guests: displays those who have not yet responded to invites, with gray rows.

Waitlisted Guests: displays those who attempted to accept your invite after your guest limit for the event had ben reached, and who chose to be added to the waitlist. Rows colored blue.

Declined: displays those who have declined your invite, with rows colored red.

Attended: displays those who have been checked in to your event using the Check-In page, or who have attended a linked Zoom event and been marked Attended automatically by Seatrobot.

All Bounces: displays emails which bounced.

The lower section of the dropdown further divides the 'All Bounces' filter into it's different sub-categories.

For a detailed explanation of managing bounces from Guest List, see Managing Bounced Emails.