Manage Organization Settings

Manage Organization Settings

Clicking the Admin Cogs Icon  opens up your organization Admin pages. The default Admin page is your organization's Manage Organization page.


This page allows you to manage / edit the following features:

  1. Add / Edit Logo: upload your organization's logo.

  2. Add / Edit Organization Details: add your organization's name and mailing address

  3. Add / Edit Primary Contact: add details of your organization's primary contact for your Seatrobot account.

  4. Set your Default Email options

The Default Email Options panel customizes the default look and feel of your organization's emails as sent by seatrobot. In this panel you can manage the following options:

  1. ‘From' Email: Customize the domain (e.g. @yourcompany.com) your emails are sent from in your Seatrobot account, and set a 'vanity name’ for each domain as you'd like it to appear in your recipients' email inbox. Fort a detailed description of registering your existing email domain to be sued by Seatrobot, see Email Header Settings.

  2. 'Reply-to' Email: Customize the cover name of the recipient of reply emails from your guests to your organization (note: the actual email reply address is always 'info@seatrobot.com')

  3. Email background color: this is the default color of the background frame of emails sent from your seatrobot account. This is a hex number representing web safe colors from a palette. You can also specify whether you would like this frame to have its own thin (1px) border.

  4. Email center color: this is the default color of the background of the center text block of emails sent from your seatrobot account. This is a hex number representing web safe colors from a palette. The default text color is black, so choosing a light color to contrast this is more effective. You can also specify whether you would like this center area to have its own thin (1px) border.

  5. Default Email Header: You can upload an image which will appear by default as the header in the frame of your emails. This header image will appear in all emails sent by your organization unless you upload an event-specific email header logo when creating an event. For best results create a landscape-orientation image of 600px wide. The system will always center this image. By default, seatrobot maintains the same image size you upload if it is equal to or less than 600px wide. For images larger than 600px wide, seatrobot will re-size your image to 600px wide, retaining your image's original aspect ratio.

  6. If you want a smaller image to 'float' in the center of your email header, create an image of 600px wide of the same background color as you choose when setting the Email background color. Then place your smaller logo in the center and save and upload the whole image as your header.

The right-hand panel displays all the additional modules that have been activated for your organization's account (e.g. Salesforce module, accounting modules etc.)