Adding Contacts to the Contacts Database

Adding Contacts to the Contacts Database

There are two ways to add additional contacts to Seatrobot:  adding contacts one by one, or uploading contact lists (.csv or .xls  files)

To add contacts individually, click on the Add Single Contact icon.  


This will open the Add Contact dialog box, to which you add your contact's details. Then click Save. Your contact will be added to your  Seatrobot contact database.

To upload a contact list (.csv or .xls files only), click on the 'Upload Contact List' button.


This will take you to the Import contacts page. Do the following:

  1. If you want the contacts you are importing to be part of an  existing contact list, select 'Add To Existing List'. You will be shown a  list of all your contact lists. Select one.

  2. if you want the contacts you are importing to create a new  contact list, click 'Create New List'. You will be prompted to name the  new list.

  3. Select the file you wish to upload from your computer.

  4. When you have selected your list to upload, you will see the  worksheet preview. Go through column by column, using the dropdowns at  the head of each column to match your worksheet's columns with items in  Seatrobot (e.g. First Name, Last Name, etc.)

  5. Click 'Import Selected File' when you are done matching your columns

The 'Number of Rows to Skip" dropdown allows  you to select a number of header rows from your worksheet that will NOT be imported. Normally you would select '1' - this will prevent your worksheet's header row from being read as a contact in your import.