Contact Details Pages

Contact Details Pages


Every contact in your Contacts database has their own dedicated page, called their Contact Details page. You can access this page for any contact by clicking on their first name in Contacts.

Each Contact Details page contains the following:

Edit Contact: 

Click this button to open the editor to add / change the personal details of the contact

Add To List: 

Click this button to open the available Contact Lists. The box will display which Lists the contact is already assigned to and which are available. You may select any List(s) they are in and select the 'Remove' button to remove them from the list(s). Or you can select any List(s) they are not in and click the Add button to add them to the list(s).

Printable Page: 

This launches a print-ready version of the page, formatted to be easily readable.


This displays the Contacts currently assigned as CC's for this contact. To remove an assigned CC, click the x on the name of the cc. To add a contact as a new cc, search for the name of the cc in the search box and select it when it is displayed.

Note: You can only mark an existing contact as a cc for another contact. If you want to assign a new contact as a cc, you must first add that cc as a new contact into your Contacts. Then you can go to the Contact Details page of the primary contact and search for the new contact you just added to assign them as a cc to the primary contact.

Statistics Badges (Gold Level subscriptions only): 

There are four numbers assigned to each contact which are updated whenever they are invited to an event, as follows:

  1. Score: This is an 'engagement score' generated based on the percentage of responses the contact has given to invites to your events. It is weighted to account for contacts who have more invites than others, e.g. a contact who has responded to 50% of only two events in total will score lower than a contact who has responded to 30% of twenty events in total. The higher the score the more consistently engaged with your events over time the contact is.

  2. Response Rate: This represents the number of event invites the contact has responded to (either accept or decline), expressed as a percentage. For example, if a contact has been invited to ten events, accepted two and declined one, their response rate would be 30%.

  3. Accept: This represents the number of events the contact has responded 'accept' to out of the total events they responded to, expressed as a percentage. For example, the same contact as above invited to ten events who accepted two and declined one would have an accept rate of 66%.

  4. Decline: This represents the number of events the contact has responded 'decline' to out of the total events they responded to, expressed as a percentage. For example, the same contact as above invited to ten events who accepted two and declined one would have a decline rate of 33%.

General Notes: 

You can add notes about your interaction with the contact here. This panel will also display Seatrobot-generated notes about their actions, such as when they unsubscribed, the date and time.

Send Status: This panel shows the current send status of the contact (whether they can be emailed).

  1. Active: By default contacts are marked 'active': they can be added to any invite for any event.

  2. Do Not Email (manager): You can mark a contact as 'Do Not Email' by checking the 'Do Not Email' checkbox. This will disable the contact from being added to any event invite.

  3. Do Not Email - Permanent: Contacts who have a permanent bounce or three temporary bounces can no longer be emailed unless their email addresses are updated or changed.

  4. Do Not Email (unsubscribe): Contacts who unsubscribe from all your events can not be emailed until they re-subscribe.

Event History (All Invites): 

The table at the foot of the page shows a list of all the events the contact has been invited to ands the results of those invites. You can see the name and date of each event, the event manager and whether the contact responded (accepted invite or declined), attended the event, did not respond or if they unsubscribed by clicking the unsubscribe link in an invite to that event.

The table will also display the bounce history of the contact, by event.

Lastly  the table shows any tags that the event manager assigned to the contact on an event-basis and the type of seating package the contact was offered / purchased.

The Event History table is also mapped in Contacts. There, you can use this event history to filter your contacts by event(s) in aggregate and generate reports on event interaction.