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Every contact in your Contacts database has their own dedicated page, called their Contact Details page. You can access this page for any contact by clicking on their first name in Contacts.
Note: You can only mark an existing contact as a cc for another contact. If you want to assign a new contact as a cc, you must first add that cc as a new contact into your Contacts. Then you can go to the Contact Details page of the primary contact and search for the new contact you just added to assign them as a cc to the primary contact.
Statistics Badges (Gold Level subscriptions only):
There are four numbers assigned to each contact which are updated whenever they are invited to an event, as follows:
Active: By default contacts are marked 'active': they can be added to any invite for any event.
Do Not Email (manager): You can mark a contact as 'Do Not Email' by checking the 'Do Not Email' checkbox. This will disable the contact from being added to any event invite.
Do Not Email - Permanent: Contacts who have a permanent bounce or three temporary bounces can no longer be emailed unless their email addresses are updated or changed.
Do Not Email (unsubscribe): Contacts who unsubscribe from all your events can not be emailed until they re-subscribe.
The Event History table is also mapped in Contacts. There, you can use this event history to filter your contacts by event(s) in aggregate and generate reports on event interaction.